National Digital Week in Skibbereen, Co Cork

Latest News • 7th Nov, 15 • 0Comments


Ireland's First Ever National Digital Week in Skibbereen, West Cork


Billed as Four days of speaker sessions, workshops and exhibitors exploring all things digital, with a host of highly regarded speakers, we were reallly looking forward to attending. And the event did not disappoint.

The 60 or so speakers came from a wide range of areas from Digital Future of Retail and Services, Social Entrepreneurship, Industry 4.0 - the Digital and Industry Fusion, to Farming.

Not only was there was ample opportunity to mingle with experts, but one-to-one sessions were also available.

Some of the subject of great interest included:

How people are using digital devises now and how / where they will they be using them in the future. A number of speakers either dealt with or referred to how the digital landscape has changed very quickly and how this has changed the way we preview and buy products. Whether online or in-store, digital devices allow us to now check product reviews and pricing online on-the-go so our purchasing decision make process has changed. Businesses need to understand this and adapt where necessary to ensure thier future.

Google Analytics - tracking the traffic to your website is only a small part of this. Being able to access huge amounts of data about your customers' habits in terms of when and how they use digital devises, what they are looking at on your website specifically, what is working for you online and what isn't, where people go when leaving your site...and much much more...

Payment solutions for E-commerce online selling, pitfalls to avoid especially if you aim to sell to people in different countries...

The phenomenal growth of Social Media and how you best to market your business through it;

Adwords - how best to advertsing online;

Telecommunications - where the world of telecoms is going... and taking us.

and many other topics.

Whether you are considering building getting a website, an E-commerce site, content management systems, mobile app or any digital platform for your business; or need to grow your existing web presence (through digital marketing and advertising, search engine optimisation, social media marketing); or learn about tracking you website traffic and customers with the use of analytics, ....we would advise you to attend an event like this when next you can. 

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